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Data Transmission
We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software to safeguard sensitive information as it is being transmitted across the Internet. SSL is the industry standard and among the best methods available today for securing online commercial transactions. SSL encrypts the data transmitted from your computer to ours and from us back to you. We use SSL on all web pages that contain membership, subscription, or financial information. This prevents anyone from being able to read the information as it travels over the Internet.

Data Storage
The financial account information you provide is protected from both external and internal attack. All of our servers sit behind a firewall, and operating system security accounts are tightly regulated. Physical access to servers is controlled by an outside company which also maintains video surveillance, motion sensors, and other access control methods. Our system architecture is designed with complimentary and redundant security measures. Finally, your financial account information is stored on a specially secured database server using industry approved encryption standards.

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